
I know it's hard to create a best of list for music, but this seems more disappointing than usual. I'm actually surprised Drake isn't on here. I thought 'Nothing Was the Same' was an improvement on 'Take Care.'
I'm also tired of Kanye West. At this point he's a parody of himself, and his lyrics aren't complex,


Wait, so now the Doctor could potentially go back to Gallifrey? Isn't the whole point of Doctor Who that he can't go back? That he's kind of doomed to wander the universe. I'm not sure about this…

Also, is the advanced search feature coming back? It was super useful.

oh no….

I'm reading Jude the Obscure, and Tony Hoagland's book of poetry What Narcissism Means to Me. Both A++++++++

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaase change the background color. The white HURTS, even with the brightness of my screen turned all the way down.

Where are all of the tv shows I follow?

The cutest thing of the episode was when Barney flailed his hands and said, 'More challenges, more challenges.' I rewatched it about 10 times.

'While Josh Lucas is charming as Perry, it’s hard to believe that Smooter would have just upended her life and career in New York because her old husband makes fancy glass art.'

'bravely blank' is one of those phrases made up in essays when people have no clue what to say, and want to sound profound. i'm kind of resistant to all of the a.a. dowd bashing in the comments, but seriously, what an awful phrase.

I wasn't expecting to cry today, but welp, here it comes…

STOP. IT. WITH. THE. BUNHEADS. NOTIFICATIONS. FOR. NO. REASON. It's just making it worse and worse that it's gone.


Agreed. Also, I don't think Tatiana Maslany looks typically white. I thought she was mixed.

This list of nominees just proves time and time again about how I should never have faith in the Emmys. I was really, really hoping Tatiana Maslany would at least get nominated, even if she didn't win - although, I think she should. This just sucks.

I'm glad there are reviews again! Hopefully this season is good again. I was blown away by how they got their act together in season three. I felt there were real stakes emotionally, physically, politically. Even if this season is good, I will forever miss Simon, and the whole arc that came with him.

You or Miles should go back and write reviews for season three! But I can understand why the AV Club gave up on it. I didn't even finish watching season 2 it was so incredibly awful.

oh no.

I really wanted to watch this when you started writing these reviews, but I simply didn't have time. I just finished watching the series (which I only started three days ago), and I'm so thankful for these reviews. They were really thought provoking, and helped me to think about the series in new ways as I watched it.