
Brandon, thank you so much for all of your reviews for the show. They have been some of the best, most thoughtful writing about any television show I've ever read, and always enriched my viewing of the show. The same goes for this as well. I just wanted to say also my favorite moment was also when we see Richie kind

Amy Poehler finally did a really amazing spot on impression. And it was of Tammy! I feel blessed.

I fucking loved Age of Adz! It felt like such an important step for him.

Interpol, "Stella Was a Diver and She Was Always Down"

“Man, you shoot like my cousin Sheena and she has mad carpal tunnel from her keyboard!”

Yeah, I understand that, but the fact that she was so insistent on baby growing up in a two-parent household, was also more what made me wary. Though, her ultimate decision in yesterday's episode was to raise the baby in a more 'unconventional' way with her + Michael + Rafael raising the baby.

What I really really want is Jane to acknowledge that she didn't grow up wrong by only having a mother. I feel like yesterday's episode was kind of leaning that way. While I understand Jane wanted to know her father, I don't think that makes her life - or anyone's - lesser because she didn't grow up with a father.

Yes! I needed reviews for Jane the Virgin. I don't know anyone else who's watching the show, so I'm excited to have conversation about the show!

Doesn't David Tennant have better things to do than remake the same tv show he was already in?

I don't care what anyone says, I will fucking love Dharma & Greg forever.

One of the most heartbreaking scenes is when Wilfred is talking to the Doctor, and he says that humans must look like insects to the Doctor, and the Doctor responds, 'I think you look like giants.'
What a great line, and I think so important to the Doctor.

The Civil War changed my life. In my history class in high school, we watched the episode which talked about the Battle of Antietam, and I don't remember ever feeling like I had understood a piece of history so vividly.

On Coachella: 'It's less of a music festival, and more of a Free People lookbook.'

Seriously! The reason for the Robin/Barney divorce could have been introduced A LOT earlier in the season. There was never specific tension mentioned between Robin and Barney about her job.

That was a beautifully written review. Too many feels, though.

Currently re-reading 'The Great Fires' by Jack Gilbert, and reading "Pnin' by Nabokov. Jack Gilbert is an amazing poet, and I can never read 'The Great Fires' too many times. Nabokov is…Nabokov. I've recently read some of his novels, which were kind of a slog (Real Life of Sebastian Knight, Despair), but I'm really

How is The National not hipster….?

The fucking refrigerator scene gives me nightmares.

The Magnetic Fields - The Book of Love

of Montreal - She's a Rejector