
To be honest, I probably rely a bit too much on AV Club's reviews, and let myself be a little too biased…but reviews on here have led me to some seriously great movies. Unless I just think they're great because the AV Club told me they were … DUN DUN DUN … what is interiority even?!?!?!?

I just looked it up - the girl from Game of Thrones! I haven't watched the show, but I've seen enough gifs on tumblr. 
I agree. And considering Steven Moffat is an awful writer (most of the time, anyway, but everything he writes usually has something problematic in it, and I recognize this isn't everyone's opinion) his

there are definitely way more hipster macbook decals.

This is a pretty good mash up, but come on, 7/4 Shoreline is so amazing on its own.

The House on Mango Street! Or maybe The Mixed Up Files of Ms Basil E. Frankweiler. I still remember the exact time and place I read that book.

The character of Irena Adler is …. difficult? I don't feel she's ever been portrayed particularly well. Even in Sherlock, I thought they did an awful job. I'm hoping for a better portrayal. We'll see.

This felt more like a summary than an actual analysis.

It was also great how Nick and Winston's voices were considerably higher in the flashbacks. It was perfect.


The fact that Sherlock had such an extreme reaction in the beginning made me wonder if there was a reason behind it. The fact that he thinks blackmailers are worse than murderers…I just feel like there has to be something there, but they never followed up on it.

I can't believe Genevieve and Nathan are leaving….

Agreed. A lot of shame and self-hate…

Heller should be full-time staff! If he isn't already…I'm never sure.

Maybe they'll explain how Thor was able to actually travel back to Earth…or maybe not.

It feels like Heller has been writing a lot of articles lately, which I am perfectly okay with.

Maybe Peter Travers?

I also loved that Ben loves Fringe.

Completely agree with your last statement.

'I think it's something to do with grace.'
That is the book in one sentence.

what about the fact that phoenix and r kelly played together?!?!?!