
That's a solid set list.

Good for Mutts and Moms
While I think the overzealous nature of the adoprion agency is a bit retarded, they have clearly set guidelines which Ellen was probably fully aware of. They feel responsible for the animal, and they want to make sure it doesn't end up at, say, Michael Vick's, or with a one way trip to the

This band blows huge donkey balls. That is all.

It's weird to hear someone hate on Daft Punk cuz myself and everyone I associate with worships them. And we are all 20-somehting non-hipsters. Therefore I respectfully disagree with you.

For good music. I really didn't like Up In Flames despite how celebrated it was, but this album just plain kicks ass in all it's beauty. More bands should be referencing the Zombies these days. I'll have to check out Milk of Human Kindness at the behest of Hecubusbb.

Just Had To
Itchy: Look, Scratchy, it's our new friend, Poochie.
Scratchy: What's that name again? I forgot.
Poochie: The name's Poochie D.
And I rock the telly.
I'm half Joe Camel
and a third Fonzarelli.
I'm the kung-fu hippie.
From gangsta city.
I'm a rappin' surfer.
You the fool I pity.
Scratchy: Oohh, Poochie is one

I only see one blue LeBaron…
Man I wanted to hate this movie, and refused to see it until one boring afternoon my college roommate wouldn't change the channel when it was on. And it was fucking awesome. Entertaining to no end, just shot after shot of what the fuck moments. No thinking should be involved, just a purely

I totes bet Kayleigh put bleach in Dakota's bottle after she burned her face with hot oil and thus couldn't start a family with Taylor.

The Velvets
Are in no way overrated. Buy their albums, not their greaest hits. And like Citizen Kane I believe it helps to place their music in the context of the late 1960's… they've pretty much influenced every band since, either directly through Cale and Reed's production/solo careers or secondarily throught their