NY Expat

"It's like 1937 all over again."
"When Hitler took Austria…"
"No, when they labeled me box office poison!"

Kyle Ryan:  Louis CK at the now-defunct Lakeshore Theater sounds great, but that 2007 Daft Punk set at Lollapalooza was pretty transcendant.  I think you ended up a net loser on that exchange.

Kyle Ryan:  Louis CK at the now-defunct Lakeshore Theater sounds great, but that 2007 Daft Punk set at Lollapalooza was pretty transcendant.  I think you ended up a net loser on that exchange.

Neither of which Heisler seemed to get.  Nor did he get that the limo driver was an archetype of some older black men in service jobs who do a sort of ELIZA Turing Test thing and parrot back key words that the customer says to them to make it seem like they understand what you're saying.  There wasn't any intrinsic

Wow. Allison, you'll write an excellent "Shape of The Earth: Both Sides Disagree" article, someday.

I didn't realize the finale of Blake's 7 was either spiritual *or* uplifting.

'F' is for "Fuck You You Fucking Fucks"
We just watched this on cable, and I have to say: In your rush to write Yet Another Review On How Sandra Bullock Is A Hack, you show your ignorance of what the movie is trying to do by labelling Mary, Bullock's character as a MPDG. If her "adorableness" masks the fact that