dirk diggler

Saw Interstellar, like half of the people here. I like it, but I'm a little worried that it won't play as well once it's off the big screen (a la Gravity).

The fact that your grandma loves Zodiac both impresses and creeps me out.

Executive Producer

I'm feeling a little silly right now for thinking of none of these people. I just have a tendency to compare/contrast Mitchum and Marvin in my head.

Seriously though, other than him and Robert Mitchum, are there any other options?

Robert Caro's Master of the Senate because, fuck it.

Which is weird because, despite how the GOP loves talking about how they knew what the Founding Fathers wanted for the people, they (the FFs) knew that people were stupid, hence why the Senate was originally chosen by state legislature, so people wouldn't fuck up the country with stupid bullshit.

Something, something taco truck.

As much as I like King, his whole "books are a 'higher' art form than films" is fucking bullshit.

That last part must have fucked you up then.

Peter Sellers, duh.

Ben 10. Fuck that kid.

James Franco, obviously.

You should've been here during the horror sequel week.

Christ, what an asshole.