
Just got Splatoon last weekend and haven't stopped playing yet. Its the first FPS I've ever gotten into and it's super addicting. Been rolling with Aerospray, but I'll probably start practicing a long-range weapon before I max level and get put in rooms filled with people who will probably wreck me.

I'm close to the final boss in Splatoon but I gotta play multiplayer so I can make money and buy the freshest gear! Though it is nice that playing Turf Wars so often made fighting Octolings waaaay easy.

The forensics team is always so pleasantly nonchalant about the murders. I want to see one of them break down in the future.

And Will has the bars over his face as well. Trapped by Hannibal…

I like that they changed Hannibal's hairstyle from floppy in the beginning to gelled back cause it looks so much damn creepier, and fits that we see him killing people on screen now.

I wonder if thats actually how Franklin views Hannibal. Imagine Hannibal giving that same "therapy" speech…

Now MJ will never have a chance to be his friend.

If only Morpheus was there.

It's a very beautiful person-suit.

My feminist side screamed YESSS when she turned him down but my loins screamed NOOOO when she rejected that hot meal.

That's true, its funny how much louder he is about everything compared to Hannibal, even if they both are looking for attention.

Rule number one in all horror movies, don't go into creepy dark basements alone.

Tobias definitely outhams Hannibal as a serial killer. After basically giving himself away with that string treatment spiel to Will, he says, "Cat-gut provides a richer, darker sound." Insert canned evil laughter here.

I'm pretty sure I saw a finger sticking out of the cream.

The tell-tale heart grew a hand!

Knocking over the stand and putting back the pocket square was damn elegant though. I have the weirdest boner…

Maybe he knows but  just doesn't want to see Hannibal as the real killer because Will's pretty much established him as his anchor and the only person he can really talk to. 
Not as if he can talk to Alana when his impulse is to kiss her whenever she's alone with him.

At least Franklin won't have to be referred anymore.

Also, it's great that it was Alana calling the shots, she didn't just fall into his arms like so many other female leads. She isn't just a tool/love interest for the leading man.

Did anyone else interpret Will saying "Our song" while talking to Hannibal about the murder performances as that he subconsciously knows that Hannibal is a killer already?