
I understand that it's not the most polite thing to correct someone, but I'm quite certain it is Elana March Gershon is casting, not "Ilana" March. I made several search after reading your post, including the original CC and they all confirmed this. Forgive me for any intrusion.

Congrats, I didn't have enough time to focus on that man's glass

My best guess would be, he is on the verge of a relapse, crying and sneezing are part of the symptoms an addict shows when he craves for using. Others including joint sore, sweating, vomiting and malaise, but I don't deny the involvement of emotions. Anyway, JLM did a great job presenting the life of an genius

This just proved how great this episode is - everyone voted A, not even an A- or lower. I'm very delighted to see a strong storyline but sad as well because it basically fixed Kitty's fate. She is one of the few strong females that pumps up the show and losing one is just… a pity, for lack of a better word. Even

Well said, Master.