HBO CEO of Tits

The North and Vale have openly rebelled. As have the Iron Islands. And Dorne (Did you remember they killed your daughter, Cersei?). And Now Tyrell, again. And The clusterfuck of Frey sucession will probably result in civil war in the riverlands, unless they just throw their hands up again like they did for Dorne. Last

I fucked some baby fists before and let me tell you, it's worth it.

Naw, season 1 is still basically trash.

You're looking in the right place. Try to find some more, for me. I also hate friends, but I'm starting to think I don't hate it enough.

Just getting off Punk'd made my Dax hatred ebb almost completely. Everything he's done since he's been solid in.

Naw, it was pretty great through most of season 2, even before chris and ben show up. Sweetums is in there, with DJ Roomba! And I really like the sister city episode.

More like Brandanoquitz

He raped Victarion's wife, causing Victarion to kill her. He has also murdered 3 of his brothers, and molested a good amount of them. He is rounding up priests of all religions and torturing them and strapping them to the prows of his ships. He cuts the tongue off of every man working on his ship, Silence. He wants to

That cabbie only had one offspring cd, and one bad religion cd.

Maybe it was Intonation, the Pitchfork festival before it was called that. Looked it up and yeah, it was Intonation curated by Pitchfork. Intonation was curated by Vice next year, but was pretty much killed by Pitchfork's first year of its own festival, and also it was mostly grime acts. The Streets headlining? C'mon,

And the Von Bondies were right there, and slightly better, but less Australian, but also Detroit, so maybe thats what got them booted from the 4. Probably why the Yeah Yeah Yeahs were the floating fifth of the that quartet, doubling down on New York.

I knew the sister of Q and not U's drummer, and this is still the case. The only other times I heard about them was a name drop at most.

Half of that first Killers album is pretty good.

That's if you accept that 5 books of anit-war, anti-feudalism, deconstruction of the fantasy genre was all just fun window dressing for the chosen one narrative we all know and love to pop up at the end and save everyone from the terrible evil of the Others. Who are clearly named after the psychological concept of the

Yeah, no one is saying the bombastic spectacle was bad. It was really, really, good bombastic spectacle, perhaps the best in tv history. It was also poorly motivated and jankily plotted bombastic spectacle, and this happens to be a show where one can expect some resonance to the spectacle as well.

Don't know how that would be too dark, considering the kid Gilly's been toting around.

That would have gone down much better if Yara had based her case in the Kingsmoot on the greenlander way of life, like she does in the books. She wants to farm and trade and fish and rightfully knows that this pillaging bullshit is what's holding her kingdom back.

I'm not sure about that. The most consistent characteristic Rickon is given in the books is "wild." He might just be having a jolly old feral time with the unicorns and cannibals and not really have much interest at all in the affairs of noblemen. He's been raised in the wild, by a wildling. Not by Ned or Robb or Jon

Then you don't want a review, that actually considers format and form and nuance and storytelling, you want a recap. There are plenty out there.

Yeah, GRRM is particularly interested in Plato's Republic, as has been shown in ASOIAF and his other works as well, particularly Tuf Voyaging. Benioff and Weiss… do not seem to be particularly interested in the flaws of feudal society.