HBO CEO of Tits

I remember my first camping trip with just me and my idiot friends without adult supervision we were lighting bug spray and flamethrowering each other. If only we had a camera.

My favorite shirt when I was 7 had bugs and Taz wearing their clothes backwards like kirss kross.

Jeans were baggier for men. Do kids still wear Abercrombie logos? I definitely wore infinitely more track jackets in 2005 than I do now. I mostly dressed like Daniel desario from freaks and geeks in high school. Lotta dickies shirts over baseball tees. Some punk stuff for a while.

We'll give it a shot, but if the tone is Wayne and Garth bowing and proclaiming "we're not worthy!" to the altar of 70s rock I might not stick around too long.

The ending of Eternal Sunshine and Annie Hall are pretty much the same.

Max Records hides inside Catherine Keener in the Where the Wild Things are movie.

Everything Harley said in the trailer was cringe worthy garbage.

Off the top of my head, "Get Myself Into It" by The Rapture. The Hold Steady probably did a good one, I think "Sequestered in Memphis" has some sax?

They have no time. Nothing close to an adequate amount of time.

Its cesium you troglodyte.

Compelling argument. You know what? You've convinced me. Fuck Madonna.

Hung Up is a great song.

Oh man. I really hope Rey isn't a fake name too and they were named Ben and Bae.

A lot of people probably were already predisposed to like the actor Adam Driver, star of hit HBO series Girls, streaming on HBO Go and HBO Now right at this very moment! He's definitely got quite a bit of sexual charisma there, and in general, but if you have already got a crush on Driver, maybe you like his new hair

Spoilies abound!

A bee would have to be crazy to want to be a folk singer…

I thought "Man, Just… You Know What? Fuck it" was a very worthy and deserved end to that venerable franchise.

Yeah, I'd pull for Munich too that year. Brokeback a close second. Crash is trash.

That already happened and it was called Observe and Report and it was pretty good as I recall. Lotta people hated it though.

psst…no longer married.