HBO CEO of Tits

That's insanely high. Although I've seen the trailer, which is probably the best trailer I've ever seen, now that I think about it. God I want to see this. And I have never seen a Mad Max movie before.

Yes I would, Obnoxious Little Frog.

George Romero seems to have forgotten how to make a good Zombie movie.

I have no idea what you two are going on about, and I suspect its because you are youths.

I got a lot of beef with these changes, and you writers are gonna hear about it!

No such position exists. It falls under my purview.

Yeah, it's weird. It seems Brienne is there to Mance it up and save Sansa, who I guess will get sent to Castle Black (as Jeyne does)? I still am 100% convinced a bunch of Freys freeze to death in that lake. But if there's no Mance, who causes Jon to turn back on his vows? Maybe they wrote in something at Hardhome

"I have very fond memories of that day, it would be a shame for you to spoil them."

Isn't it sort of like chickenpox? Where it can be dealt with in chiidhood but serious shit as an adult?

It is known.

I laughed very hard, because it has become a meme at a White Sox blog I frequent to correct any "Less" with "Fewer" and vice versa, regardless of whether its grammatically correct at this point. Makes me laugh every time.

Yeah, Aemon ain't long for this world, so they'll need a new maester. Arya killing a night'swatchmen isn't as crucial to the story if she just dispatches Trant instead. So you can just send Sam and Gilly on down to Oldtown the old fashioned way. They wouldn't even really need to arrive this season, as not a whole lot

He sings about NASCAR for money.

It is the fascinating collision of privilege and the understandable frustration of having to deal with the impossible logistics of soaring through the sky like a god. Filtered through through the brain of someone who makes funnies for a living. And its twitter, so you can opt in or out of hearing about it at your

The "woke up to sign a release" tidbit was worth it to me.

I prefer a mattress on the floor myself, because honestly what is the reason for an elevated bed? But apparently girls think you are poor or something so I have a bed frame now.

That spoke directly t my heart. I've been there, Sugar Bear. Floors the way to go.

Am I remembering incorrectly but didn't he have like a bunch of frozen fish sticks in his freezer?