HBO CEO of Tits

The "no agency" stuff is vestigial from the twilight fanfic. His actions are those of a cartoonishly evil billionaire. He's basically sexy Mr. Burns.

Wilmore's crazy rich. Created the Bernie Mac show, with producer credits on that, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and Black-ish. Plus a whole bunch of writing and acting.

We need to Talk About Your Performance at Work, Internet.

Duh. Even commenting on the AV club on a regular basis should lead you to learn that comedy is a craft. Some comments you make are shit, some are great, and the vast majority of the rest are facile references, but you know you appreciate the upvotes your originals get more than some simpsons reference.

He seemed pretty trim in Thumbsucker, the last time I had seen him before Daredevil.

I played trombone in high school band class, and the first chair guy was some sort of savant at trombone. We'd always win the early week section competitions because this motherfucker would write out 4-trombone harmony parts for the music of the first 2 levels of Super Mario Brothers as well as the Water level music

I'm still not clear whether it is "second hand emotion" or "secondary notion."

I learned the joys of butt stuff wiith a girl I was dating because we both liked stuff like Radiohead! Granted, it was college, and we both definitely had interesting hair, and… I guess what I am saying is I regret nothing.

You have seriously never met a bald guy in his late 20s or 30s before?

In middle school,my teacher played this then-contemporary song to get us to stop picking on each other. Somehow, it only resulted in her being the one insulted.

It's more romantic for teenagers.


I'm a Modern Broads man myself.

So like dance team hot?

This caused me to laugh an unreasonable amount.

My poop becomes black as midnight if I eat a whole sleeve of oreos.

I believe the balls are know as sugar babies, and only the lollipop-esque one was the Sugar Daddy. Full disclosure, I love both of those candies.

I love Chunk of Change and Manners with all my heart, really fucking enjoy whenever I hear "Take a Walk" at a party or whatever, so I should probably listen to their last 2 albums already. I kind of hate 1985, but maybe it will grow on me, track 2 was better.

I know how you feel, man. It seems like only yesterday I was spinning chunk of change.

He was thinking "guess I'm gonna have to kill her bitch sister now."