HBO CEO of Tits

I don't know if "menaced" is the right word. Good TV shows do their holiday episodes well. Community, Bob's Burger's, The Simpson's, 30 Rock, The Office, Always Sunny, and Arrested Development spring to mind as having memorable or excellent Christmas/Halloween/Spring Break/Valentines Day/St. Patrick's Day/Anna Howard

Dude, its August. New TV season hasn't started yet, our big movie this week is Expendables 3, and nobody has ever released a good album in August. They can't report on NFL pre-season, or even dog days baseball or team USA basketball. Cut them some content slack.

Luv U Nicole Krauss.

If you check your AV club Style guide, you would find that the proper format is "wtf is Aphex Twin lol"

"This is the handjob that doesn't ennnnnnnd"

So say we all.

Very rarely, a few times in a lifetime, you hear a composition and when it is over nothing can ever be the same. Walls have been pulled down, barriers broken, a dimension of feeling, of existence itself, has opened in you that was not there before. "Ninja Rap" is a song of this magnitude. Vanilla Ice may be the most

I typically get called CEO of Tits. Lotsa people drop HBO part.

Man from the past, I enjoyed this immensely.

This reminds me, I should cut the tattered sleeves off of my punk jacket. They are not functionally sleeves any more. But they do have blood stains all over them, which I kind of like. Fits the aesthetic.

We just call them 51-year olds now.

I've seen longer.

You can't adequately wind up and put your weight behind a double fisted punch.

Goddamn quislings.

I'm sick of the hi hat.

I wish an entire day would go by where she didn't. The bodies are piling up.

M. Gustave is killed by jack booted thugs and he left the Grand Budapest to Zero in his will.

This is the End, as well.

What if the suspect had just pulled the knife out of their loved one, and was cradling/trying to stop the blood, and was getting up to go to the sink or get a rag or something right before you came through the door?

Ugh, thats terrible. at least 40 million people live in the UK, you DID find the one unfortunate woman it happened to in the country.