HBO CEO of Tits

He needs to teach him that there is plenty of money and pussy for nasty old Scottie Pippen.

There's just no pleasing some people. There were tits all over Africa. And dick up and down the episode as well, for those of you who enjoy that sort of thing.

Balder too! KG and JB were the first Tits I ever brought to HBO, by the way.

People caring about Xiu Xiu? What year is this?

Aw, see, I found his kriss kross gear endearing and cute. I remember wearing my clothes backwards as a kid some what fondly. Incidently, I owned a t shirt with Bugs Bunny and Taz on it wearing their clothes backwards in a Kriss Kross manner. Man, did my mother HATE me wearing my clothes backwards much more than you

I can say from experience that off your tits on morphine is the only way to see Know1ng. I guess I could entertain arguments for other opiates, but I'd still be skeptical.

I thought he was really good on Win Ben Stein's Money.

The Ron playing Big Buck Hunter story line must have come from a place of deep love and understanding. I have probably put over $1000 into those machines over the years, and it all started with playing that silly game in the corner that looked pretty easy. I did terrible. It only made me want to play it more. It is a

I love councilman Jamm so I don't understand that. I like the city council too. Guess I'm just on a different wavelength.

I will miss our beautiful flightless bird.

Yeah, Baldwin talked about quitting for the last like 4 seasons.

I love Macgruber, and I am surprised Forte was worried about his chops as a dramatic actor. The man does not ever break character, and plays his comedic parts with incredible conviction. He always seemed like an actor to me, not just a comic one.

I kind of hated the Descendants because of how mediocre it was and that Alex Payne, after his big commercial and critical success in Sideways, he took another SEVEN GODDAMN YEARS to give me The Descendants, which was easily the worst film of his career. He is one of my 5 most favorite directors of all time, and that

I remember watching the following movies in school, although about 13 can be attributed to my excellent cinema and composition class. They are as follows:
The Mouse and the Motorcycle (this is the only movie i remember watching in elementary school.)
Ken Burns' Civil War (IDEAS program, 4th grade)
Gandhi (geography, 7th)

Thats distressing for my survivor prospects, because I am terrible at dealing with dumb people. I am miserable at masking my contempt. Have been ever since I was a child. I've been working on it though! You pretty much have to, given the state of our typical public schools.

Its a Survivor institution at this point, so I just bear it, even if I can't muster a grin. Its a nice thing for the producers to throw in to give a player immunity on sheer determination as most other challenges are skill/athleticism/endurance/puzzle solving.

I have always assumed Survivor "delicacies" means "stuff local 2nd graders dare each other to eat on the playground."

Nah… it was the hand job.

Smart man.

I'm pretty skeptical of any butt plug that cost less than $40.