HBO CEO of Tits

You can't go wrong in the Hammock District!

No, you are just reacting naturally to Martin's demeanor.

Oh come  on, they were begging for it. Why can't you be more withholding!

Using a regular human name was the first red flag.

I demand a return of the turtle in season 25

Don't pretend your posting incompetency is somehow related to your drinking problem.

PPV Sponsored by the HBO CEO of Tits

Who is that dynamic young go-getter?

@avclub-efe3192d78a1ce56ee8080149d5de969:disqus 's memento is my favorite gimmick since probably fucking Cookie_Monster

Not a quarter! He'll be dancing for hours!

The commentary track disagrees with you! The Newton was a well hated device, according to season 6's Matt Groening, and, I want to say, Dave Mirkin. Groening definitely hated the thing.


"The Simpsons are going to Delaware!"

I nominate this comment for the commies.

Nowadays, people would be lining up to have american heroes live with them. Repeal the 3rd amendment, I say!

Give me Aras, Caleb, Ciera, Josh.

I only remembered because of her baffling alignment assignment.

@avclub-b5edd8333621508122605ef387a2321b:disqus It would interest me greatly if you could post your fantasy roster in stray observations next week. I'd appreciate it.

Surely you don't mean MY Erik, light of my survivor life? Of both fans vs. favorites seasons fame?

Ugh, I hate that Candace could have been a "hero" in any way shape or form.