HBO CEO of Tits

Oh, @avclub-7d1dff07b1d3fe8174a43588f9528ea4:disqus , you are so close! Just think for a little bit longer and try one more time!

Hey man, Showgirls is from Verhoeven. He was fucking with you.

LIke they'd ever get any prices correct, they all think in funny money.

She wouldn't want just anybody going on and winning $1,200.

The underground quiz boy circuit is a fascinating place.

It's ok, cheer up by thinking about "Jurassic Bark."

I name all of my guns Ol' Gunny.

He's been completely shutting down in fits and starts for years now.

It was against the Milwaukee Brewers too! I remember that home run and was very happy at the time to have my White Sox in town.

Catch WWE Total Divas tonight at… some time on E!, the entertainment network! Trinity faces Jon Uso in the ring just as they are on the verge of calling their relationship quits; at the same time, Nikki doesn't react well to news that Brie wants to move to Phoenix; and JoJo is given an ultimatum by her boyfriend.

Walt survives, but everyone he knows and loves has died or abandoned him. The last shot is him weeping on a pile of money.

HBO is humming right along! Catch our critically acclaimed drama The Newsroom Sunday nights at 10/9 CST! If you like Breaking Bad, you'll love The Newsroom!

I feel like I would probably want to speak with my lawyer for more than one call if I am involved in any ongoing  legal proceedings.

I just really enjoy the phrase Canadian Pop Sensation Brian Adams.

I am a "Stop the Planet of the Apes! I Want to Get Off!" man myself.

Hey man, no need to sully the good name of the noble professional grappler with all the rest of that dreck.

You are thinking of Canadian Pop Sensation Brian Adams.

I mostly use it to watch WWE NXT. Sami Zayn is the best.

Some men just prefer the exotic foreign tit.