HBO CEO of Tits

My great grandfather was Alejandro de los Tetas

@avclub-ab60729bcbd8293eb5f31e5077c29049:disqus  Yeah, I'm going to agree that they just liked Cartman (probably the most racist character on the show) being "The Coon." Dark Night parody ensues, throwaway joke. I dunno, I just get amazed when south park writes more than one joke an episode.

My work here is done.

This right here is what makes my work so rewarding.

Meade was clinically depressed?

They are both good shows?

Bored to Death and The Life and Times of Tim are the shows I want back the most.

shit, should have scrolled down.

When  say it in my head it sounds more like a pun on reconnaissance than renaissance, which is what i assume is the intention. Nonetheless, it is an excellent pun.

You just made me angry at that coda all over again.

You solved the mystery! We've been teasing the question "What is the Game of Thrones?" for years, and you've finally found the answer: Yahtzee.

This is a common misconception. The trick is finding the right balance between acting and titties.

She was character I created solely for that purpose. I was like having my child betray me. What else was a spurned CEO to do?

I feel like they just slap the name of any old Bond movie on the Bond clips.

@avclub-beac60e274e63c64612fdcff2058af27:disqus If would suck as bad as American Idol.

Puerto Rico before Guam. Canada behind both,  and the moon is the 54th state.

Lil' Wayne?

Yeah, my  "You will now love the Mountain Goats" songs are "This Year," "No Children," and "Dance Music." Has not failed yet.

I vehemently object on both our behalves.

I am drowning
There is no sign of land
You are coming down with me
Hand in unlovable hand
And I hope you die
I hope we both die.