HBO CEO of Tits

what you're describing is more akin to professional wrestling.

That Tongue Tied song is right up my alley. I give it an A- because the girl part in the middle is kind of bad. the rest of this chart can pretty much go fuck off. Soundgarden can get a kiss first, i guess.

That Tongue Tied song is right up my alley. I give it an A- because the girl part in the middle is kind of bad. the rest of this chart can pretty much go fuck off. Soundgarden can get a kiss first, i guess.

I want to watch it again right now. It was so fucking good.

I want to watch it again right now. It was so fucking good.

It couldn't very well be hanging if it was erect, now could it?

It couldn't very well be hanging if it was erect, now could it?

The only steve I know is called scuba steve, which I just now realized, after 5 years,  is from Big Daddy. I can now include another reason why I don't much care for him.

The only steve I know is called scuba steve, which I just now realized, after 5 years,  is from Big Daddy. I can now include another reason why I don't much care for him.

Fuck criss he is in the way of my One True Pair. …And then there was Wesley for life!

Fuck criss he is in the way of my One True Pair. …And then there was Wesley for life!

A lesser oscar!? Poppycock! They are the sceond most important awards in Hollywood! After the People's Choice Awards.

A lesser oscar!? Poppycock! They are the sceond most important awards in Hollywood! After the People's Choice Awards.

Your hair is… fine.

Your hair is… fine.

I'm on board.

I'm on board.

Punk ass book jockeys like yourself, I'm sure you meant.

Punk ass book jockeys like yourself, I'm sure you meant.

You want to deplete your bacon stores just to simply check your email?