Well-seen @avclub-79557cb93066f4470b8cee6e9110f757:disqus …
Well-seen @avclub-79557cb93066f4470b8cee6e9110f757:disqus …
Posted in wrong place.
Preach for yourself! I, for want, have never made a subscription error in my live!
I guess we're just bunch of platypussies…
Tasha Yar from beyond the Tar…
RISA stands for Really I'd Skip, Actually.
"DIck Worf" makes me imagine a marina with a bunch of penises bobbing in the water..
Oh, I would agree that TOS had a reset button on those lines; It was intrinsic at the time. DS9 plays be different rules, and should be lauded for it, from what I read here. Except when it doesn't.
When the bitches come in, everybody rides!
I get the feeling they tries to make up for this with medical hologram learning in Voyager, but I totally agree that it was real missed opportunity with Data, and where they did you neutered the character (and gave Spiner the opportunty for some egregious mugging- never a good idea)
Leonard Maltin is one of the most amazingly (physically) tiny people I've ever met. He loos a bit like a drowned muskrat up close.
Sheesh! How many times do they cross the axis in that first clip?
Interesting, I actually hadn't thought of it that way.. I thought it might bemore valuable and scarce because of that, but I' not sure I thought it through further than that…
Love it!
My point is, any animal that gets in a barrel is basically just asking for it.
Absolutely? Everyone in Treasure of the Sierra Madré is out for themselves from the get-go. They make a temporary pact so they can all get rich, but hey never trusted each other for a minute, rightly so, and this was clearly illustrated.
Gummy Kahless and the Brony Empire…
Is there any evidence they have acted like anything else?
I couldn't agree more, IWPFTQ…
Exactly, Lurky.. If the audience doesn't get it, it's never their fault— In this case I think it proves we care a bit more about the integrity of the characters than they do…