Check out this article about some friends of mine on The Telegraph,
especially if you are an aspiring film-maker or just a cinéaste or big
No, he insists on a Steak Transplant; He has always hated kidneys and liver and now that he's grown-up, he doesn't have to have them. So there.
One wonders what a self-identified 'white christian' would be doing studying theosophically… Are you sure this complaint didn't come from Madame Blavotsky in the 19th century?
Erik, I do believe I detect a bit of drawl in this review— Could you be a Texan, perhaps?
Ahem: The 'French' did not like it. Certainly not this 'French', and my girlfriend now refuses to watch the Godfather because it is by the same director.
Shouldn't it be 'MlB' or 'MLB' or 'MB', for Matt LeBlanc?
Slammed with a classic 'I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I?' riposte! You must have devastated the second graders at your school!
I am sorry, I do not understand this joke.. Is it a play on words or a pun, perhaps?
(erm.. 'dundee'= 'under' there.. WTF is happening with Spell-Check?)
erm 'beaver'= 'over' in that post.. Hmm…
Michael Haneke (avec un ’e’ et pas un ‘a’) est autrichien. Moi, je me
‘en fous, mais quand on commence à mettre des étiquettes sur les pays entiers, il est peut-être préférable de savoir le différence…
The only thing scarier than a faceless killer surging out of the night with deadly intent is an American film critic using the word 'auteur'…
No, there is also,my grandmother
I think the Jackass films are very good cinéma indeed.
The picture makes me think of the new Star Treks for some reason
Wait a minute! Are you saying Paul Dano didn't richly deserve his beating in Prisoners?
Last time he on Neil Young gave the greatest live musical performance I have ever seen on TV.
Boy ,one thing's for sure: If you ahve to forget a project, it's defintiely trying to 'fix' "For a Few Dollars More."