Well, While I may not be the fan of Little Green Men that some ehre are, I found it intermittently amusing and far from as painfulas most Ferengi eps..
Well, While I may not be the fan of Little Green Men that some ehre are, I found it intermittently amusing and far from as painfulas most Ferengi eps..
"Sextet" not being fir-t for human consumption in any way, shape or form…
Did somebody say 'bikini'…?
Wrong reading…
Ah, good ol' Stretch.. not his fault he couldn't fill Archie's recliner!
Just because he was in LA Confidential doesn't make him an Aussie!
I don't know about Zack, but I recognized him almost right away— So tall, and that voice….
Worse, Quintet… (because it was one more better)
Luckily, the first task is to have her, so that's one down…
Which one would win in a fight?
You took the words right out of my mouth Kara— There's a lot of stuff, particularly with him on TNG, where I would say— What are they on about? Is this something they read in a book, because I don't see it (didn't know he was on DS9 at the time).. Now I get it, they saw this and retrofitted their memories…
I particularly appreciate number 3.
"An old man gets hit by a bunch of tennis balls. That's got to count for something."
Isn't 'Keiko is having a baby' TNG?
In the meantime, there is always the Tumblr of the mousy sister from Downton Abbey with Googly Eyes to tide you over…
This sounds absolutely impossible to me…
Doesn't bother me.. in fact I liked it; I think Trek could use a bit of spit, and not just spit n' polish…
Dreaming of being a bottle of windex…
Well seen.