
I know this is probably too late for anybody to read but I thought I recognized the actor who played the volunteer driver with the Jeep. Looked him up and it turns out it's the guy who plays Jim in The Newsroom.

I know this is probably too late for anybody to read but I thought I recognized the actor who played the volunteer driver with the Jeep. Looked him up and it turns out it's the guy who plays Jim in The Newsroom.

Definitely needs weekly coverage

Definitely needs weekly coverage

As I recall it, I believe that Catelyn was able to convince the guard that it was not Brienne who killed Renly and he allowed them to escape. When Loras discovered this he went crazy and killed this guard and a few others.

You've got to admit, Cartman was offering some great savings when he slashed that price from $8 billion.

I think we were all very relieved that Brad got his ham.

Question: Quarles claims to have "nowhere else to go," but doesn't he have a family he could go back to? Obviously his thirst for vengeance and psychopathic urges make him want to stay in Kentucky, but he does, technically, have somewhere else to go.

Schmidt is quickly entering the upper echelon of funniest characters on tv.

The real unanswered question of this episode: were they ever able to get a supervisor?!?!?

I never realized how political this show is; the TSA has far too much leeway in invading our privacy.

I'm sure this has already been mentioned by somebody in the comments of a previous episode, but I just can't enjoy Will Arnett as the straight man character when I've seen his great work as the ridiculous GOB and Devon Banks. That said, I'm glad he has succeeded in getting a starring role in a moderately successful

Holy shit, this review is long.

I think we all can agree that Sam would've known something was up if he hadn't been distracted by that fine piece of Martian ass. Once again, a man put off his game by some strange strange.

Yeah, that was just not good.

How has everyone failed to mention her excellent work on Law & Order: SVU??!!??

Was it just me or were the logistics of that chase with the Niners kind of confusing? All of a sudden the Sons happen upon a traffic jam and utilize the shoulder to get away from Leroy as Jax manages to shoot the driver causing the SUV to crash. But then as the Sons drive away in the background it appears that the