Bippity Boppity

I agree Emperor Jim,
I'm in all these fantasy leagues…though NCAA tourney stuff is the only thing I take seriously. It looks like it could be an enjoyable 5 min SNL short. Trading Adrian Peterson for a better plea bargain—funny idea. I'll give it one shot to see if it sucks and then abandon it when the suckitude is

I'm not an avid gamer
But I did box in college and every boxer I knew loooved Mike Tyson's Punch Out…as did I. It's ridiculous on every real-boxing level, but damned if I didn't psyche myself up before every fight by imagining the bell-sound from the original. God I love that game.

Yeah, but…if it's funny, it's funny. Nothing will ever replace heyday Chris Tucker delivering in the line "I know you don't smoke weed. I know this. But I'mmo get you high today," etc.
Honestly, I think the Tyler Perry dreck is more racially offensive than anything well written/directed.
*If white people want to

@Cluesless, yeah I'm sure it's happened SOMEtime to SOMEbody, just seems like you'd have to be a bit of a psychopath to say that to a guy's face…I was responding to the idea of a "whinny bitch of a girlfriend" complaining.
Also, your burn was very gentle but incorrect. Size is no problem. My girlfriend complains when

Has any girl ever really complained that a guy's too small? I mean really, to a guy's face? Unless you were actually born with some kind of birth defect that made satisfying sex an issue…I just can't see it happening outside of an Extenze (sp?) commercial.

Went to see Titanic with a girl I was trying to date and another girl, right next to us, starts sobbing uncontrollably DURING THE OPENING CREDITS. Suffice to say, no nookie was had in that movie theater that night (by me).

Breaking News
Breaking News: The Latin Kings, Crips, Bloods, Yakuza, Black Mafia, and Aryan Brotherhood have released a joint statement emphatically stating that Mr. Van Winkle is not and has never been associated with any of their respective criminal organizations. The organizations have not ruled out taking legal

I still don't think anyone's calling you racist. Feel free to dislike rap all you want, just have a real reason for your dislike (maybe expand on the not-liking-talking-thing.) I think they're saying that a lot of rap-haters are walking a very fine line…and sometimes crossing it; others are making valid