
Guys, your going to scare him off again! If there's anything we learned these past few weeks, it's that friendship is more important then anything else.

The Return of the King!
Welcome back, Mr. O'Neal!

Yeah the pairs idea wasn't that bad, but there's some people I'd like to see comeback. Dan and Brittney come to mind.

But how can you hate Jordan??? Thats literally impossible.

All-Star Season?
I'm hopeful that there's an All-star season coming up soon. The last time they had one was Season 7 so making the next one Season 14 makes sense. Who would you guys wanna see come back?

I can understand Will not coming back, he's already been on twice. Dan and Memphis should have come back though.

I'd also like to see this get a weekly review

Maybe you should watch the movie and find out!

You suck!

Yes, let us discuss it! It was very good!

USA shows aren't *that* bad.


I like the list
Doin' Time would have been an interesting choice. Otherwise its pretty solid.

Charlie Sheen should play both roles. He is a very talented and gifted actor.

I heard O'Neal got fired too, but then he got hired as the new boss on The Office. So its kind of a wash I guess.

My father used to say to me: "Son, Jim Abbot."
Oh, thats the advice!

James Franco

Michael McDonald! Aires Spears! Will Sasso!

No! You must watch The League! Absolutely must!

Don't stop believing!