
Yeah he's kind of the Ringo Starr of comedians.

@Bill_M, thanks for the article. Awesome read.


Yeah, it's a great list but Party Down should be included.

James Spader was hilarious, they don't need some super roundabout way to get him on the show. Just hire him as the boss.

I've never seen this
Any good? It has a pretty solid cast.

Cool, you've returned! We were all like a"Dude, where did The Narrator go?" But not anymore!

Dude, JMH is awesome in everything.

Oh hey that was Paul Feig! Good call, Monty.

What? A picture of her burning her tongue isn't good enough for you?

I'm confilcted.
Powers *sounds* cool, but I dunno. It might be good, but not Terriers good, you know?

And, honestly, that *shouldn't* be too much to ask for.

I want a spin-off of an alternate universe where Ben and Locke are friends and former black-ops agents, who get into all kinds of silly shenanigans and misadventures. And Miles can show up and talk about the ins and outs of time travel with Hurley.

And Miles can show up, and discuss how time-travel works.

You can't hide your pain behind that bourbon forever though, Broyles. One night you'll be sober and it'll hit you like a ton of bricks. Hell you'll probably cry, like alot.

…Will you be my best friend?

No! I tried to warn you about the spoiler!

I just watched Young Guns recently and (Spoilers!) he has probably the worst death ever. They machine gunned him for like 3 minutes straight. Redonkulous.

Hey, don't you dare talk bad about Coco!

Thats what we love about him!