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    Thanks for the response!  I'd forgotten about that. I will stop being so cynical (about this, at least).

    Thanks for the response!  I'd forgotten about that. I will stop being so cynical (about this, at least).

    I think in this movie the whole thing is complicated by the fact (I think, it's been more than a year since I've seen it) that before the confrontation, Furstenberg's very consciously downplaying the fact that she's a woman—she's emphasizing that she's no weaker or less able than either of the men.

    I think in this movie the whole thing is complicated by the fact (I think, it's been more than a year since I've seen it) that before the confrontation, Furstenberg's very consciously downplaying the fact that she's a woman—she's emphasizing that she's no weaker or less able than either of the men.

    Though I liked the film, I wouldn't give it as strong a rave as the review above.  I saw it at TIFF last year after reading a capsule rave about it here, and I'm not sure this movie actually benefits from going in thinking it's going to be amazing.  And if this isn't your thing, this isn't your thing.

    Though I liked the film, I wouldn't give it as strong a rave as the review above.  I saw it at TIFF last year after reading a capsule rave about it here, and I'm not sure this movie actually benefits from going in thinking it's going to be amazing.  And if this isn't your thing, this isn't your thing.

    For the sake of completeness, my last three were:

    For the sake of completeness, my last three were:

    You know, I never really thought about the fact that you couldn't just see what you personally wanted, but instead had to take into account what other people for the site had already covered.

    You know, I never really thought about the fact that you couldn't just see what you personally wanted, but instead had to take into account what other people for the site had already covered.

    It's just a visual thing, not really much in tone or content.  I'd say a bigger issue would be on how hung up you get about historical inaccuracy in your steampunk kung fu movies (i.e., will it bother you if people are wearing Regency clothing but listening to Dvorak?).

    It's just a visual thing, not really much in tone or content.  I'd say a bigger issue would be on how hung up you get about historical inaccuracy in your steampunk kung fu movies (i.e., will it bother you if people are wearing Regency clothing but listening to Dvorak?).

    Hmmm.  How do you rate "more pressing" in this context?

    Hmmm.  How do you rate "more pressing" in this context?

    I saw No. Excellent all around.

    I saw No. Excellent all around.

    Shores of Hope was on my long short list, but… lord, it's hard to pick just 10 movies.

    Shores of Hope was on my long short list, but… lord, it's hard to pick just 10 movies.

    They're definitely there, and the driving force of a bunch of the movie, it's just that the frothy songs are way more prominent.  I almost can't imagine it wouldn't get a US release, because it seems to be exactly the kind of thing people would like.

    They're definitely there, and the driving force of a bunch of the movie, it's just that the frothy songs are way more prominent.  I almost can't imagine it wouldn't get a US release, because it seems to be exactly the kind of thing people would like.