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    I saw It Was the Son (or The Son Did It, depending on which document you're looking at), which I picked because it's Sicilian and I went to Sicily last year to celebrate my one quarter Sicilianness.  And it may be my favorite film so far.  The director talked a bit about his tendency for the "grotesque," and I totally

    I saw It Was the Son (or The Son Did It, depending on which document you're looking at), which I picked because it's Sicilian and I went to Sicily last year to celebrate my one quarter Sicilianness.  And it may be my favorite film so far.  The director talked a bit about his tendency for the "grotesque," and I totally

    I so wanted to see Much Ado when I saw it was here.  But my exceedingly late time slot to pick movies made it impossible.  Ah, well.

    I so wanted to see Much Ado when I saw it was here.  But my exceedingly late time slot to pick movies made it impossible.  Ah, well.

    I saw Blancanieves and Tai Chi 0.

    I saw Blancanieves and Tai Chi 0.

    I saw Wasteland last night.  It was… eh.  I know to an extent you can't do a heist movie that isn't derivative, but this seemed exceedingly so, of some weird combination of every heist movie ever, The Usual Suspects, and In Bruges.  On the other hand, it looked good.

    I saw Wasteland last night.  It was… eh.  I know to an extent you can't do a heist movie that isn't derivative, but this seemed exceedingly so, of some weird combination of every heist movie ever, The Usual Suspects, and In Bruges.  On the other hand, it looked good.

    I agree that in theory this doesn't sound like a terrible idea.  After all, by giving everyone routines that were uniformly considered well-choreographed, you can avoid being slammed for giving some people worse content, or the feeling like so-and-so got tanked by the choreographer.

    I agree that in theory this doesn't sound like a terrible idea.  After all, by giving everyone routines that were uniformly considered well-choreographed, you can avoid being slammed for giving some people worse content, or the feeling like so-and-so got tanked by the choreographer.

    I know! What the hell. You'd think it was tailor made for them, with the two Americans and world records and all that.  Craziness.

    I know! What the hell. You'd think it was tailor made for them, with the two Americans and world records and all that.  Craziness.

    They showed not nearly enough of it!  I watched the Canadian afternoon broadcast, which was also choppy, but spent much more time on the wacky long-haired Russian who lost his shirt.  They also informed us that he has apparently shown up to jump drunk.  Way to live up to the stereotype, Russian guy.

    They showed not nearly enough of it!  I watched the Canadian afternoon broadcast, which was also choppy, but spent much more time on the wacky long-haired Russian who lost his shirt.  They also informed us that he has apparently shown up to jump drunk.  Way to live up to the stereotype, Russian guy.

    I think that is Leyva, and that's pretty adorable.  Then next to him is Horton, who has the demeanor of "oh, crap, I have to go after THAT?"

    I'm not really an expert, but I did end up watching this on both the Canadian and US stations.  So, I think this is what happened.  The initial score had what the US officials thought was a too-low difficulty score—that the judges hadn't given her credit for everything she did. There's a point in the NBC coverage

    I'm not really an expert, but I did end up watching this on both the Canadian and US stations.  So, I think this is what happened.  The initial score had what the US officials thought was a too-low difficulty score—that the judges hadn't given her credit for everything she did. There's a point in the NBC coverage

    Yep, that's it.  They both got 9s for execution, but Deng Linllin had a higher difficulty score (by .1).

    Yep, that's it.  They both got 9s for execution, but Deng Linllin had a higher difficulty score (by .1).

    Damn it.  I was watching on CTV and getting totally caught up in the elimination race and then the Canadian got eliminated and they cut away and never came back.