SimpleGreen is PEOPLE

"Scarlett Johansson, in a bravely blank performance …" uhhhh, I am normally a bit a a defender of her acting, but how is blank a stretch for her? I guess "does her usual thing" just wouldn't jive with brave.

Just previously, he had wiped the court … ahem … the Margaret Court (ha ha!) who was the #1 ranked female tennis player at the time. That didn't work, but I'm not editing it.

It was definitely worth seeing, even if it glided over some interesting periods in her life. I mean, she's such a great public figure and unlike a lot of athletes today. I really admire that she was willing to make a personal sacrifice to affect public and political change. A real contrast to folks like Tiger Woods

Apparently there have been some whispered rumors in tennis circles ever since the match was first played, partly because of the odd circumstances of the match itself and Riggs well known ability to tank and love of gambling. I certainly didn't know about it until the piece came out though …


I think they were straight from a silect aution benfitting the NAACP.

Yeah, I'd agree. Although tonight, after looking at the dishes I was 99% certain that whoever got the dessert was going home. It was so simple that any small error would stand out.

It would be interesting to see if someone could track the money. One thing I immediately thought was whether someone could see if a bank account was opened for Riggs in England just after the match. I have no idea if it's possible, but it did occur to me …


@avclub-7e72b5fe1ad8fd5b388a5260ba7c07fe:disqus , I will agree with you that there is nothing in the article itslef that rises to the status of 'evidence'. But I think the assumption of overconfidence itself needs supporting evidence. Other stories about Riggs show that, when serious, he never underestimated

Even if it's entirely true that he lost due to lack of preparation, how is that different than throwing the match? We know that he trained for his match with Court, took it seriously and won in pretty convincing fashion. His son reported that he had never seen Riggs drink as much as he did in the weeks leading up to

Also, they are trying to milk this for six seasons and a movie. THAT reveal won't be on the slate until season 3 at the soonest!

If Stuart ever gets to fight Dario, I will spring for the pay-per-view at my house. Someone else needs to bring the salsa.

Ribs in England: worse than in the U.S.
Beer in England: better than in the U.S.

Heroin is a hell of a drug?!?

His music is perfectly passable and I quite like Get Some, Go Again and especially Come in and Burn. But yeah, his spoken word is actually pretty good.

I will fully cop to being that kid who listened to Poison and Warrant until grunge broke. I wouldn't have knows a "Wire" or a "Minor Threat" from my foot. I give it all the credit in the world for expanding my musical horizons. That and a college roomate who played trumpet in a jazz group.

I am going to agree with you. I don't think "wore out its welcome" was the right phrase, but I do remember a bit of a backlash when I was in high school. Around the time that the Bosstones were making a bigger splash and people were starting to say, "enough with the goddam horms already!"

I will recommend Night on Earth to anyone, anywhere, but it's not really a Benigni movie.

Oh, the bit they referenced in Mirrors is amazing. Stuart is just mystified that the explanation they give him could possibly be true. It goes on for a while and I could not stop laughing.