SimpleGreen is PEOPLE

Ha! I didn't even have to resort to a simple google search and my question was answered! I will never wiki the pedia again.

I'm assuming that after the challenge they destroyed the egg room with the eggs still in it. I mean, even though it's FOX it is still technically network …

For 10 hours?! Jesus, man.

"Stop clapping Luca."

Question: I had heard somewhere (damned if I can remember now) that Llewyn Davis was loosely inspired by the early life of Dave Van Ronk. Has my memory deceived me? As usual?

I am going to wait until all three are released and someone helpfully goes through and edits them into one, reasonably lengthed movie and then I'll watch that.

That may be one of the most dead-on descrptions I've ever heard.

Maybe, but I look fondly upon Amy Adams in a 70's(ish) 'do and very revealing 70's(ish) clothing.

@avclub-21cb1137b6aab4de4328a8c698770071:disqus , Brett Ratner in disguise, baby!

@avclub-472d722b57a4ed37e41e70c9c9d7d0f3:disqus , she's fat in all the right places.

Deep Star Six did have Miguel Ferrer, so there's that …

Wrong pole died.

One had some philosphical waxing and Ed Harris in a water suit, one had Peter Weller punching a woman in the face (!!!) and one had something about Russians. I am partial to the Peter Weller.

Your English teacher sounds like a hoot!

It's the noise from Gosling's pants.

@avclub-9acf7344ec50993b012999f76196c4c6:disqus  - I know more than one person with Black Flag bars. They are, without exception, awesome.

Goddam right. Was it there that I read the story about Gibby screaming obscenities in the front row of a Bad Seeds show until Blixa knocked him out with a boot to the head? Mid-song apparently, without losing the tempo. I love that man (can be applied to either man in this story).

I have to admit I laughed when Luca said, "yourr guess is as gud as mine." And he looked absolutely delighted when it turned out to be cooked all the way through. His good nature has definitely won me over.

Really? I liked it specifically because it was … well, not schmaltzy exactly, but promising maybe? The rest of the film is pretty bleak, bottoming out with him egging Barry Pepper into mashing up his face. Like that would keep me from nailing Ed Norton! Pfft.

Where's that confounded bridge? Oh, FX you say? Well, screw it.