SimpleGreen is PEOPLE

Yeah, I don't know if it's 'equally great' as Do the Right Thing, but it is definitely underrated. Brian Cox ruminating on what could have been at the end is just heartbreaking. Watching it, you know it can't be true but part of you still hopes.

I like that the analogy they use for how the snake injects venom is "much like a power injector fills a donut." I will never think of a bismark the same way again. By which I mean I will always envision the exposed bones of said bismark.

Ok, so I clicked on the "producer got bit by a snake" link and I have to ask … what the fuck snake bit that guy? That is some amazing tissue loss.

To shamelessly steal from Slate, that cow was steak all the way through.

No kidding! I mostly like the routine up to that point, but the show is So You Think You Can Dance, not So You Think You Can Make Awkward Moments on National TV.

At least Crossing Lines has William Fichtner who is NOT embarrasing himself as much as Dean Norris is in this. And I guess Donald Sutherland has it in his contract that 60% of his dialogue must be directed toward birds? I guess?

"I know what this means. We're going to die here."

Real Sex: Squeezer to the Dome. *

That doesn't exactly set it apart from most of his stuff …

@Scrawler2:disqus he meant Nine.

According to our aging software she would be …

Yeah, I dunno. He ain't for me and I don't buy the genius line. When he started out, the critical assessment of him was not great. And everyone agreed. Then the critics turned around and someone declared him a genius. And everyone agreed. Blah.

Fuck yeah. I was a little aprehensive at first, with his dad casting a hell of a shadow, but Teddy is turning into one if my favorite young(ish) performers.

@avclub-8c1bbcea199457b63dc39f7a024591f1:disqus  damn right! I mean, the man WROTE 'For What it's Worth'. I don't know that I can point to a 'weakest' member of CSNY, but Stills Ain't It. But also agree w/ @avclub-92a972196ae14b06997dc73a44c6cddd:disqus  about Crosby's mustache.

That's the full-Windsor knot buddy. I can't tie one well, but when I do … lookout!

That was not the case here.

I'm honestly torn about this guy. His show seems like a genuine reponse to the lack of general acceptence available in the world but …

The heroin needle is

That deserves a Burl-esque "ha ha!"

The scene from Nightmare where she's following the wet trail of a bodybag being dragged down a school hallway … fucked … me … up when I was a kid.