SimpleGreen is PEOPLE

Lindy West is an interesting example. Did you see her vs. Jim Norton?

I would see this movie if that meant he got to fight OddJob.

That should be the description on Chris Meloni's IMDB page: Best Character in the Movie.

I want to give her a good smack on the ass, just because …

Yup. Graham had trouble speaking after taking a bite of the salad. He was coughing due to the acid, which is a pretty bad sign. But agreed with shakin's point about main dish being more important …

Actually, I give them credit for knifing them first. They could have tossed them into the boiling water still kicking. Or clawing.

Soooo contrived! I was actually disappointed when I figure that out. When at first they said they couldn't decide who to kick off, I told my wife, "Hey, they're going to make them cook for their lives!" And I was a little excited. But when they led them to Gordo's retaurant it was quickly obvious that they'd planned

And sexy Parker Posey!

He's out of your league.

I don't doubt that they tell themselves that. But sleep deprivation is not something you can train for. It's like saying if you get hit on the head often enough, you won't suffer concussions.

Yeah, Hang 'Em High was never my favorite. Especially when I could be watching Eastwood and Eli Wallach scamming people with a hanging/bounty collecting scheme.

If there's one thing I dislike about the Vegas week, it's making all the dancers stay up all night. I guess the producers just want a guaranty that someone is going to be injured and they can tell Cat to talk about it in a low and serious-sounding narration.

Oh good fucking GOD. I remember when it found the videos page. When there was a videos page.

@avclub-1ef83ff6aceb6847da6c91867e20611b:disqus  I don't think they were before your time, if you remember Tom. He was just amazingly prolific.

Even though I rarely listen anymore, I liked Pete Holmes making up fake video games during real ads.

No no, I have a badge. That means I get to experiment on YOU.

Oh man, they trashed the gaaaahhden!

@drdarke:disqus , HA! That is probably the best description I've ever heard for Castle. If only it weren't the same fucking storyline every week, I may have lasted more than one season! And they killed off the last captain in the most inexplicable way possible …

Also, there just aren't that many serial killers running around out there. I do love this show since it is filmed gorgously, acted beautifully and captures the fragile emotions of damaged people, but the weekly serial killer is starting to wear on me.

This is the story that is repeated in Gene Wilder's autobiography, where I first encoutered it. On the show, Brooks enlarged it to haging upside down and spewing Exorcist levels of green stuff.