SimpleGreen is PEOPLE

Can I party at your place?

New Belgium blows. I had no idea they enjoyed watered-down brew in CO until I tried that. Deschutes is good, Laughing Dog (tiny N. Idaho brewery) is good and Lagunitas kicks ass.

You didn't have to tell it like it is!

"The film the Free Market doesn't want you to see!"

"She’s working on an article about students who support themselves by working as escorts, and her interviews with two girls … are intercut with glimpses of them at work, as well as her own harried preparations for a dinner party."

Our crappy art theater is the best in town. You can drink beer in there!

I tried this show. I did not like it. I will not go back. Unless they change it to "Don't Trust the Beek …" where we follow asshole JVDB and his wacky adventures. Ritter can stay around because she's cute and pretty good at playing nasty. Everything else must go.

I more or less agree with the review, but it definitely had some serious laughs for me. Nadia's list, Nick spitting water at the tomato and Zooey hugging a nude Tripplehorn. Actually that last one was not a laugh but definitely awesome.

Yup. I laughed at that damn list but never more than Leon X Panetta. (I can't remember his actual initial).

I am cautiously optimistish.

I'm usually cautious, but I've heard some great stories that have led me to some good authors. It was the first place I heard Richard Bausch (Letter to the Lady of the House) and the first place I heard Aimee Bender (the Rememberer) both of whom are now on my bookshelf.

It made me hungry for a chicken parm sandwich.

You mean "the entirety of …"

"Cooking Eggs" with Buffalo Bill?

That picture looks NOTHING like Hitchcock.

Pretty sure HorseFellow has got that job wrapped up.

Yeah, but that had Alyssa Milano in trailer-trash tank tops.

I love this show and I love Bijou Phillips most of the time. She was on of the more successful things about the pilot. But I could not finish this episode. I'm glad I turned it off because I don't want to have any residual distaste for next season.

No shit. He two-timed Cerie.

"Schmidt, do we need to spend more time together?"