SimpleGreen is PEOPLE

Oh, don't be a … what's the one that lives in a cave? That looks like a monster?

The moment where the pastor calmed her down with one of her stories did make me smile. Not a laugh moment, but I really enjoyed it. Partly because Patricia Heaton can act panicked like no one's business.

Thor 4 evah!

Whoa boy. I loved the Axl / Brick story. The Mike sub-story was pretty good. The Frankie story was so-so and the Sue story was so uncomfortable that I couldn't laugh.

I really liked that show. Any slightly disjointed cop show (that I like anyway) seems to immediately be canceled. Like the Unusuals. 'Course that had Hurt Locker in it, which helped.

The Dirk episode episode was my favorite of the series so far, this one being close behind.

Nick is slowly getting stranger and stranger. A trend I wholeheartedly approve of.

I swear there was a skinemax movie from the '80's featuring a character who was a detective by day, hooker by night.

So, who is that old fucker? I assumed he must be someone famous-ish dude that I just did not recognize. I like the idea that it is Marc Maron Sr.

And then you went and wasted 1,001.

@avclub-f7f8eb12e0f61a9321597157c0d61791:disqus , wouldn't it be sweet if they could get that stadium built downtown (depending on your location obviously)? I could walk down there, catch the game, get ripped and then stumble back home.

They had to take one 'cause of the diabetes.

I caught that and damn if Mitchell wasn't a fairly interesting character. I know a fair amount about Harper Lee already but the Mitchell piece was a complete surprise.

Correction: that's the awesomest picture he could find.

It's a mamocracy. A government run by boobs. That has nothing to do with your comment, I just wanted to tell that joke.

Hey, I completely forgot about JohnnyCab. That was one of the better/funnier sequences in the original. NO DICE.

This was actually one of my favorite episode so far. They managed a fairly tense story without being too goofy and set a number of threads going. I was sorry there wasn't a little more humor with Eddie, but hey, can't have everything can we? I was especially happy that they didn't set up something important, just to

You know, I do like Pete Holmes and find him a moderately interesting podcast host, but I cannot shake the feeling that I'm listening to WTF lite whenever I listen. I did not finish the Larry Miller episode because I found it amazingly dull. And there was a moment where Pete interupted Larry and Larry snapped at him,

I like him as a guest but I cannot imagine listening to his podcast week in and week out. I have the same issue with Pete Holmes.

He can be an ass, but he's also pretty entertaining. I've gotten a little tired of that one and often skip it. I do love HUAL and the Political Gabfest though and try to never miss them.