SimpleGreen is PEOPLE

SPOILERS, obviously. I like the second but definitely thought it weaker. One issue I had is that every time the movie shifts focus from one character to the next (the father, then Hurt Locker, then girl who likes Hurt Locker) it was obvious that character was going to die. It also had a fairly consistent HYPER tone

Yes, it is illegal to drive there. For one thing, it fills with water when it rains. But it's always full of abandoned cars anyway. And shopping carts. And terminators.

I disagree on almost every point, except for the political metaphor.

They're a-MAH-zing.

Oh man, Alex is killing it this season. Arm-wrestling in the bathroom, telling Penny "It's not a choice!" And when Penny jiggled her boobs before pushing her toward the landlord … uh … I gotta go.

It would be interesting to see them produce a three part series on this. It did seem like there was a lot they could flesh out more. I wish they could have gotten someone from the company to speak to them on record.

My mom says I'm big-boned.

I don't think he's the best, but I do love me some David Attenborough.

Ooh, good thought. I would love to see Dutton again and Matthew Perry made a surprisingly effective baddie. His knife twisting at the end turned him from a typical morally questionable lawyer into a serious nasty.

That sounds great. If the mind thing is only a mind, how can it be beautiful?

*ominous tones*

Well, it is Maron so "overreacted" is pretty normal.

Is wasn't really a rant. He said something like, 'I don't want to bag on the AVClub, because they've been good to me. But, wahhh!"

Exactly! Krakowski is a very good comic actor. But the character is not an easy one to write for and I think the writers have periodically had a hard time coming up with something for her to do.

I haven't heard it yet, but am a big fan of Rather Ripped, so I am looking forward to it. But yeah. I long for a new Sonic Youth.

Weird. I've never HEARD of Rogosin, but I feel a burning desire to own this. These films sound fascinating.

I'm going to respond seriously for some reason …

I think you know the answer. Hint: it's curly.

@avclub-c2772fe942fe1bdcf0fec5d508dd6e23:disqus , Yeah, I think there is a psychological difference, but it certainly doesn't mean we can't be choosy. My response to the 'podcast overload' piece was the same. Do people complain about a TV overload? But you're not wrong.

Thank God I am a dude. BTW, the headline whould read "Cooper scratches sexy, sexy head."