SimpleGreen is PEOPLE

I don't think there's any problem with 2 a week. If you compare podcasts to other forms, no one tells Charlie Rose to knock it off with the every day show. They just watch the ones that interest them and skip the ones that don't, which is what I do with WTF.

Agreed. I haven't bothered trying to comment on Community since the first season. I'll read comments, but almost never get involved unless there are fewer than 150 or so.

30 Rock will have to fall far for me not to love the show. This season is nowhere close to being bad.

But she has a nudity fixation. The more I see of her legs, the more I support this fixation. Playboy, get on it!

I didn't think it was the best, but it was damn good. The Jenna & Tracy stuff dragged a bit, but I'm actually digging the Hazel character now that they've differentiated her a bit from Kenneth. A female Kenneth was tired and predictable, but a female Kenneth who is also *perhaps* psychotic and fixated on nudity is

It was El Agave.

No shit. I loled when Luke 'recognized' her in the store and her respose was to strike a pose and say, "Smokin', right?"

I am not gay but I do ride a bicycle to work. People have yelled "queer" at me out of many a speeding car. It's a strange connection …

They each just had a giant mole over their whole body.

That would be a great reveal. He did have one of the better lines of the night tho', "You aren't a dictator! You just make people do what you say against their will!"

I found this film through my girlfriend at the time, who didn't really tell me anything about it. I was shocked at how moving I found it. I'm very happy that it's out on Criterion.

I'd vote for naked Natasha Henstridge.

You're the commenter's commenter.

I want to spank her with … what's that part of my anatomy called again? Oh yeah …

I'm counting the days until one of the bachelors and two to four bachelorettes are killed in a fiery crash.

If Nadal were a contestant on this show, I would absolutely watch. He butchers the English language in the most adorable ways possible.

I just wish this damn show were on HBO so we could have videographic evidence of said nipples.

Hey Baby. You wanna manipulate my erection?

Well, it wasn't horrible. I liked the bulk of the episode but agree that it copped out at the end. And I had the exact same thought, "Why did you ask him to pull over if you didn't want to talk?!?"

Hm, that's interesting. Maron can certainly come across as bullying, but I didn't quite feel that in this interview. Gilmartin was definitely on the defensive from the very beginning and I interpreted Marc's actions as being … I'd say proactively heading off perceived criticism. It was an intersting dynamic, partly