SimpleGreen is PEOPLE

Fuck! Was I the only one who saw the three prior shows were reruns and assumed this was as well? I guess that's what I get for not reading What's On Tonight. Well, this gives me somehting to do at work today.

I tried, Lord I tried. I am unashamedly in love with Mullaly and have some residual caring for Reaper and I made it 12 minutes. C+ seems generous.

@avclub-a8cf86b7e95be74b1204e22a9aab9cd0:disqus Ha! Fair enough. He sure could come up with some wacky shit though.

Not even close.

I don't know, I like listening to their songs once or twice. Pleasant and I like thinking about Riki Lindhome orgasming on a go kart. But not a whole album full. Of songs. Orgasms I would listen to.

Tutti Frutti! Wait, aw crap.

I'm a little surprised that "Adam Sandler" hasn't shown up yet to defend this pile of vomit*.


Fuck Yeah.

Yeah, I feel the same. I've hit MY overload, but that doesn't mean the same as a podcast overload. I mean, hell. Look at the number of TV shows out there. Haven't we hit TV overload a long time ago? But they keep finding an audience and it sure ain't me.

Prolly would have made the podcast even.

One H doesn't know what the other H is doing.

Now THAT'S the spinoff I want.

He recovered quite well from the group home experience! Good to see.

In Rod we trust!

*spoiler, I guess* God, I love the scene where they reveal that he is missing his thumbs. Defoe kills in this.

I'd definitely still defend it. The characters may be morally questionable (which seems an odd criticism), but it is a gorgeously shot movie and fairly emotional. Also: Willem Defoe.

I actually like Nick a lot this episode, which was a nice change. That character hits whenever he's just about to lose his marbles.

I thought that as well. They need to combine flashbacks: Winston bullying Nick while catching a glimpse of Nick's penis.

* makes obscene jerking off gesture *