SimpleGreen is PEOPLE

I've been recording Fringe and watching this. It's actually been pretty pleasant!

It's an 'other show'.

Marc has an pretty impressive ability to avoid taking the bait when interviewing. Graham pretty much accused him of exploiting Graham's story and Marc didn't really argue with him. Knowing what Maron's personality is like in other settings made that all the more impressive. The man is not just lucky.

I kind of have a crush on Emily, so I give her a lot of leeway. That said Dickerson is definitely the best informed on political matters and Plotz makes me laugh and pushes the conversation with wacky opinions. I still dig that podcast. The Culture gabfest on the other hand I have pretty much dropped. It seems so dull

There was a comment on the WTF site that I'm glad I read. The commenter mentioned that they had seen Graham's standup and that he covered a lot of the same material, but in a more self-aware and moderated tone. It made me think that maybe he is not so lost as he seemed …

Definitely worse. Hanson had a ton of self awareness. Graham still seems very lost. It was painful, but unlike the others, I would actually recommend listening to the first half. He's a man wandering in a cloud of delusion and depression, but it's interesting to see where Maron himself could have ended up without some

That was my biggest laugh of the night. The realizations line is now in my phrase rotation. Also, Dennis! And that there was a ball-to-the-groin and it was a woman who got it!

It's great that thus far he's avoided being dumped. Tonight Liz thought they were done while Criss thought they were done shopping at Ikea. I liked it.

Strangely for me too. Especially odd since I've disliked her in the past. Pete shooting her with the arrow was golden. Jack: "Is she bleeding?"

Before someone beats me to it … it's Jemaine, not Jermaine.


For some reason it killed me when Penny said to Alex, "C'mon, let's go you little weirdo." I think because Alex really has turned into a weirdo.

Good God, no Good Wife fans on this thread? The obvious answer is Archie Panjabi.

Mock Tudor was my intro and I'm still very fond of that album. The Whispering in the Dark collection is also top notch.

And they're all pretty great (that I've heard anyway). Although I don't imagine Del McCoury as the protagonist the way I can with Thompson, I still love it.

Yeah, I do give the guy some leeway, considering his age.

He's definitely gotten very inconsistent over the last decade and a half. My favorites were definitely all from his golden era (?). Anyway, Mr Majestyk and La Brava have always been good memories for me. Killshot and Get Shorty coming in just behind. For a recent decent read, I actually liked Road Dogs, but it wasn't

They were all, "We started Treadstone again. And we added gelatin."

And I found myself thinking *spoiler if you haven't seen the first hour* why, if the first guy killed still had the camera with him, did we see the footage from his camera? It did lead to that neat shot of the boat disappearing below him as his body was carried away but still, made no sense.

I always read the ending as referencing the child murders. Because the story was he always made the other kids stand facing the corner while he did his business. *eyebrow waggle* And the other guy was facing the corner, suggesting she was about to be businessed. *eyebrow waggle*. Goddam, I need to trim these eyebrows.