SimpleGreen is PEOPLE

Scratch Leslie Hope and insert Leslie Knope and we've got something!

I liked Cloverfield (and Blair Witch) but I think way too many of these rely on the "the camera is soooo shaky that we can't focus on the baddie!" trick. Having seen the first hour of this, I can't say I have hope it will be different.

They're already doomed …

YOU don't really exist in Japan!

And Danny Pudi as the narrator?

You could almost say she was … SUPERDEFORMED! Ba-da-da!

"I could see CGI baby coming."

In all seriousness, this is the only reason I wandered over here. So thanks.

Holy crap would I love a Grimm Angel series.

Once has completely lost me. I don't care of someone comes along and tells me that it's turned into the best show on TV, I am not going back.

New band name.

I find him moderately amusing, not hilarious. But his persona is so sweet that he wins me over every time. And, to be fair, he is pretty quick on his feet.

I felt the same, but I was amazed he could keep that all straight in his head.

It gets dark early during the midwestern winter.

I LIT-trally only caught a few minutes of this during commercials on 30 Rock, but it was enough to see Bernadette's killer delivery of, "He's going to learn how to poop in space." That was enough to bring me back next week for another few minutes in hopes of catching another line from either her or Amy or at least

Yeah, I think Newswire generally counts as daily buzzkill.

God damn it. That actually did always happen to me in that stupid game.

My mom loved Beau Geste and showed it to my sister and me when we were young. I remember liking it but she thinks we were bored. I've only seen the final scene since then, so I can't really speak to its quality …


Maybe not slavery but considering how recently people were lynched in this country, lots can say "Joe X, whose father strung up an innocent black man, posted a comment on an internet web site today." I hope that's not an actual user name …