SimpleGreen is PEOPLE

I love them and they annoy me in equal parts. I cannot explain this.

He's the man
Love this guy. He has this knack, at least in his live shows, of combining heartbreak and humor in equal parts. The story he tells of meeting his *then* future wife while in rehab is sweet and sad and still brings a tear to my eye.

Residents of Green Bay should take note.

It's amazing that people were willing to go on these expeditions since it seems like almost all of them ended with shipwreck, slow starvation, cannibalization by native or (at best) mere failure.

I also liked the fight scene. But I definitely missed something with this episode. Literally - I was cooking dinner and only caught about 1/2 of it. Afterwards I thought, hey! That's a pretty sweet ending. Maybe that's the way to enjoy this season; selectively skip half of each episode.

Hee hee, you said "shoot on Monday." That means ejaculate.

Movie long Wire reference FTW.

That bust was awesome. But I thought it looked like Jimmy Carter.

The whole damn system is out of order!

It fascinates me how much they vary their sound from album to album. I often suggest them to friends because if they don't like The Runners Four, hey, try Friend Opportunity! Almost something for everyone.

Dorian, I was exactly the same. Friend Oppotunity was the first that hooked me and of the few that I know well I think Offend Maggie is the most frequently played. The Runners Four I like, but not as well. I am looking forward to hearing this.

Hangar 54 Where Are You?

In a world where televisions were too flat. One man has the courage to bring back …

Dildo Bugger.

Her pop-sicle.
I've read a number of short stories about people in cryo-sleep being killed off, either by people or by computers gone mad or as a result of neglect. I hope that's not the interesting stuff you were referring to.

Romeo and whaaaaa??

whata - the comparison between a Frontline piece and New Yorker write up is a great thought exercise. And it's not just a thought exercise. Both did pieces on Todd Willingham and the possibility of having executed an innocent man. Aside from the comparison, I'm not sure if I feel they utilize the medium, but I'm

I'd follow. Add it up.

Ohhhh … I now recognize him. Thanks for clearing that up.

You were so busy firsting that you didn't spot the ten-ton truck barreling toward you.