Ms Avery

He was probably too drunk.

You poor dear. :(

Aw, I didn't realise she was formally off the show, thought her character would be back any time. I loved their banter!

My husband was shocked by the speech. Until I pointed out it was kind of accurate. (We're both white, but I come from a minority background within that, and he doesn't.)

I really like having two arcs per season — it makes each arc much tighter, with less meandering filler episodes a la Lost (which I loved, but it could have learned a lot about pacing from this show)/

Just askin'.

The chief of police just needs to lose his hair and we'll be golden.

I cheered at that scene because it was so Fringey. With bonus shirtless Ichabod!

No sane man would abandon a coat like that.

I love this episode, but the ending of the ballet plot also makes me a bit sad.

What the hell is a Zima? I have never heard of it outside this episode.

Agreed. It gave the world Boo-urns, for cryin' out loud!

We've even bussed in troublemakers from other schools!

Crazy talk!

I had high hopes that mono would be the best diet ever! But my throat was too sore to eat anything but ice cream, so it balanced out.

Best fake media has to be 'The Duchess Approves.' It's just like my life, in a way.

I think it's picked up from its worst point — there were some largely unwatchable seasons, but it's at least become amusing again, even if it's not what it was.

This is Britain. And everything's okay. It's fine.

I look at half a glass of milk and I say — it is sour.

Yeesh, that's awful.