
It's alright, but I like the documentary a lot more.

I actually have sexsomnia. True story

Nice work on the Google

It has so many jarring tonal shifts that I got whiplash

They used their Grammys to rule over all.


Explain to me who the bad guy in DA2 was. Because I couldn't fucking figure it out.

Ooh, Catherine. I really want to spend time playing an anime-inspired dating sim, I'm sure the characters have real depth and there's no cutscenes at all.

I know Thribly thrills you, but what happened to Emile Hirsch? He had a ton of potential about 8 years ago (Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys is great) but he pretty much disappeared except for that one Alaska movie.

I know this might seem weird, but that paragraph at the end of the article is actually a summary of the plot of the videogame 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand. I'm not kidding. It's even better than you think!

That Sandler friend who's the lead in Grandma's boys is totally awful though.

I say!


They aren't, that's what I'm saying. But Lowe's has that market cornered now!

I typed plutocratic but I didn't mean it

That's the best part about Deadline - between Nikki and the commenters, there's about 4 people involved who aren't horrific shells of human beings

Hm, I'll piss off everybody who believes in a plutocratic and diverse America for the sake of a bunch of ignorant xenophobes who don't know halal from a hijab. That's obviously the first step to profit

That's the point - Muslims are boring and regular, just like everybody else!

Ask Bono, he'll know

No, it didn't. This is a myth. The Soviet Union collapsed from within via a variety of social and economic pressures, defense spending (which wasn't directly related to America's defense spending) was but one part of a huge web of interconnected reasons for the collapse. Perestroika did much more than Reagan's stupid