
I saw this movie with no knowledge of Mr. Show, it was alright.

You guys know Tyler Perry is gay, right?

There's a reason we don't have political talk on these boards. This is it.

Brianruns10, you are a complete piece of shit. I'm a journalist because I believe in things, and you're a douchebag because you're unsuccessful.

"And then they leave and everything went back to the way it was before they got there. "

"Look at me, I'm so cynical and edgy. Also my life is worthless."

That's weird that the link didn't work - it's from an old Lexington column, just look it up on the Economist website.

If you're implying that he spent the last 20 years risking his life in warzones all over the world just so he could get nominated for an Oscar, fuck you.

Because they asked us to. And that has nothing to do with this, a tragedy.

True story: 70% of African-American children are born out of wedlock. It's a terrible epidemic and it gets scant attention. I didn't make that statistic up, either: http://www.economist.com/no…. I think it's asking too much for an MTV show to examine a serious social issue like this, but I'm surprised the show hasn't

I just saw that, I hope they throw the book at him. They gave him bail, though, because obviously a serial sex offender and pedophile is at a low risk to reoffend.

In fact, the Wikipedia article on the film is enough to creep you out for weeks. Oliver O'Grady raped an infant, and they covered it up. Also, they're paying him an annuity to keep silent about his superiors' knowledge of his crimes. No movie has ever filled me more full of murderous rage.

Twist of Faith
Twist of Faith is one of the most heart-wrenching documentaries I've ever seen. A more disturbing one (but equally as good) is Deliver Us From Evil, which I urge most of you to avoid if you value your sanity. It will drive you to the edge of murderous rage at the subject, a truly evil man who was

Try it a different way.

You know what's great? Living in Canada.

Here's the thing: does she like the show because it's good, or does she like the show because it's set in a familiar world? If it's the latter, there's no reason there can't be a good show set on a military base among army spouses. I'm sure it gets the little things right, but that doesn't excuse the big things being

This is you, projecting. None of this is in the article, you're just looking for it.

And I think he's married to her now? Or something.

IIRC, she looks creepily like the daughter

I had a portable hifi/8-track player, god I miss that thing