
Speaking of 30 Rock and hot ladies, a trip to Esquire.com would be most judicious for those who enjoy Cerie.

If I buy a jersey from Miami, I give $150 to their coaches and administrators. If I buy a jersey from a Miami player, the reason I value the jersey, he or she will get suspended. Duke makes millions off their basketball players, but god help us all if they pay them for their efforts!

Sean O'Neal
You are the best.

Twitch City is great, as is the movie "Waydowntown". It has my favourite Don McKellar performance as Sadly I'm Bradley, a depressed office worker who prints out motivational slogans and staples them to his chest. I highly recommend it, if you can find it.


"Based on your corporate access policies, access to this web site ( http://www.metalsucks.net/c… ) has been blocked because the web category "Tasteless or Obscene" is not allowed."

Their appearance on Joan Rivers is Youtube gold

So this is basically MILFs: the show, right?

Lady Gaga is great and your mind is broke if you disagree, sorry. I'm about as anti-club as you can get, but her songs rule. They rule hard.


Numbers 1 and 3 are pretty justified, though, it's #2 that fucked everything up.

Yeah, most journalists deserve criticism during that time, but not all of them - there was some great newspaper reporting on the subject, Judy Miller and her ilk excepted. Every single cable newsperson should be fucking ashamed of themselves, though.

Al Jazeera and Al Jazeera English are editorially separate, and are quite distinct in their reporting and reporting styles. AJE was started by a former CBC reporter, and it's where old BBC and CBC reporters go when they're sick of kowtowing to public-broadcasting power structures. It's really awesome, and you should

In his MYOF Entry on "Delgo", Rabin refers to this as "an 'F' review", but I see a big, fat D- up at the top. Looks like Phipps was paid to try and drum up a little more box office for Doogal! J'accuse!

Remember when Dick Cheney led that assault on the American Constitution? Good times. I'm glad to be posting from the future.

I would love to see Jason Statham in a Victorian drama, as long as he got to kick some ass at the end

Day 1 DLC is disgusting. "Yeah, we programmed this. Yeah, it's a part of the game. Yeah, we're going to make you pay extra for the full experience." It's like forcing people to pay extra to see a movie with deleted scenes in the theatre. Either it was good enough to make the cut, or not. Game companies are assholes.

Everybody in Hollywood uses "Creative Accounting", it's how the system works.

Awesome. Okay, now tell me more about Monica Keena.

Whoa whoa whoa, what? Time for some Google-fu.