
I was going to post a joke like this.

Look at Shock and Au Contraire, quoting the American edited version of HGTTG. I can't believe they took all the sex out, and they rearranged the Belgium thing. It still annoys me.

Someone write some O'Neal/Hyden slash

Requests: I would love to have the video podcasts available on a subscription basis, that would own some bones.

I'm going to hell

Eric Clapton wouldn't let a kilo of coke fall out the window

What's the difference between a kilo of cocaine and a 4-year-old child?

The OP is correct in his assessment of the Jack White hierarchy. White stripes > everything else

It's times like this you have to shut up and listen to much more intelligent/informed people debate:

I wanna feel his salvation all over my face

Alcohol's a hell of a drug

Thank you so much for posting that

Is someone on the 30 Rock staff Canadian? As a Canadian, I love the shit out of their Canada jokes & references, and after last week's killer Lorne Michaels joke, I couldn't help but notice that they used a Canadian rock band. Weird.

No, it's a special Saturday Night Edition of Thursday Night Football.

Eddie Murphy went from SNL to being one of the biggest stars in Hollywood in less than 2 years. No one else has ever come close to that. Sure, it's been a launching point for great careers, but Murphy became an A+ star virtually overnight.

I don't think IBM could come up with boobs sweeter than those on display here, not with all the supercomputers in the world

It's like Gene Hackman. I maintain that his last film is The Royal Tenenbaums, despite the existence of Welcome to Mooseport. It's just better that way.

Wild Wild West, for sure. I don't care how it's punctuated. Kevin Kline given second billing in a summer blockbuster? Come on!

Those ignorant 16-year-olds, always shooting their mouths off to reporters. When will we learn?

@sConn - Man, misogyny is so edgy.