
is in Ontario, Canada, not California. So Toronto, CA should be Toronto, ON. Vacnouver is correct, but the cultural capital of the country is mislabeled. No big deal, it's not like it's a popular city for film or anything.

Yes. I had to watch his show for work. You don't know how far down the rabbit hole goes. FEMA death camps being setup in the midwest? Oh yeah, a whole series on it. Routinely calling everyone in the White House a Maoist like it's nothing? A daily occurrence. It's incredible.

Glenn Beck doesn't have conservative viewpoints, he has batshit crazy viewpoints. Bill O'Reilly is much more mainstream, unfortunately.

And some who say "Nah, the Constitution is just a guideline, and you can totally violate the explicit will of Congress if you want."

An Oscars performance by Beck would rule, as would BSS or Metric.

I only know of one Jimmy Buffet song, so I can't add anything

Fun fact: Janet Jackson caused 3 jihads

The best part in Godfather 3 is that there are contrasting scenes about love, one about the tentative beginning of a relationship and another about the end of a relationship. One scene involves Al Pacino and Diane Keaton, and the other involves a slumming Andy Garcia and Sofia Coppola. They're intentionally set

Your favourite film and the best film ever are two different things. One is completely subjective, while the other has to be based on objective criteria. You might like the Godfather more than Godfather 2, which I disagree with, but it's obvious that both are some of the finest films ever made. People don't get this

The New York Times and the Washington Post both had multi-piece series that covered much the same ground as Obama's Deal, but they were much more disparate. Still, it was covered, just not in one big package, which is the advantage of these magazine0type shows.

Anime is terrible but this show is great. But again, all anime is terrible.

re: Iraq. You're right, it was a complete clusterfuck, regardless of your partisan leanings. Read "Imperial Life in the Emerald City" and it's clear that, whatever you think about the rationale for war, the execution of the War in Iraq was shamefully botched.

You mean the Joint Strike Fighter, that's even more expensive.

Just a point
"the ever-growing hydra that is the Department of Homeland Security in the last ten years"

I've learned something in my years of political reporting, and it's that anyone who whines about partisan bias in the media doesn't know anything about bias or the media.

I saw Death Race in the theatre twice, and I work for NPR. So there.

I think you missing the entire point here is pretty dumb too.

If people think Crank 2 is stupid it's probably because they're stupid. It takes real genius to have a cutaway shot of silicone oozing out of a stripper's breast.

I heard Anne Hathaway on Fresh Air and she came off as a controlling, humourless sophisticate. It was totally crush-murdering.

It's produced by a sister company staffed with people they know personally. How could they possibly review it? And even if they did, no one would take them seriously because of the close relationship between the two publications. They're still part of the same company.