
Chiming in months late to say this grade is bullshit and I enjoyed this movie.

He actively produces and defends opinions that are stupid and ignorant. We have no way of knowing his motivations, so the basic assumption we can make is that he, himself, is stupid and ignorant about film.

Trolling is completely pathetic. Anyone who spends a large portion of their time actively being stupid is, well, fucking stupid.

Nathan Rabin has a book?

This rules
Her water bottle was full of VODKA

But didn't the Incredibles point out the basic flaw with capes?

And hey, Emperor Jim, isn't Star Wars a super liberal show? I bet the Federation pisses you off with their appeasement, huh.

I hope that infowars post was ironic.

My favourite was the guy who registered an account and read through a whole comments thread to post that he hated the game reviews here and thought all the other commenters were stupid. That guy is the Zack de la Rocha of our time

Fighter Tron sounds better than real Tron.

I know this is reductive
and she's a talented comic actress, as seen on this show and in her other work, but man, Monica Keena is smokin' hot.

I interviewed Jon Lovitz one time
He's pretty much the coolest and nicest guy ever. I told him I liked the Critic, and he was really excited and couldn't stop talking about how much fun it was.

And it rules.

I would not choose this show as a good starting point. I showed my exgirlfriend the awesome vistas in Assassin's Creed, and how you got to run around all parkour-style. Then I cut a dude's throat three times and jumped off a building. She dug it.

I wish it would come out on PC, dammit

Came for the news article
stayed for the compilation video. Then I realized it was 6 minutes of CW recaps.

Patrick Roy has 151 playoff wins. Martin Brodeur, the 2nd place goalie, has 99.

Pfffff, Wayne Gretzky's from my hometown. One-up that!

Girl Talk. Although I guess that album could be #1-#25, when you think about it. But come on, that Creep/Wu-Tang mix is just genius.

So what does that make a critic of a critic? An asshole's asshole?