Slough Hilton

This movie would have been a bit more palatable for me if its "true story" disclaimer was more in the vein of American Hustle's "Some of this actually happened."

It had its moments. "We're comin' in hot!"

Shut up, Leonard!

Truly, he was the Perd Hapley of football broadcasting

I don't disagree with anything you wrote, and you've done a good job of defining just what about this particular genre bothers some people. But I also think you can break down any genre into unique elements that you do or don't like. For instance, I don't care for gore, so I tend to avoid horror movies. I could go

New no no! Hey, Edgar Wright, you want to cast Paul Rudd in your superhero movie? Fine! Then I should be able to pay you money to watch it when it comes out in theaters. Sorry Edgar, but that's the way it's gonna be!

That 45-second Stella mini-reunion was enough to make Wanderlust entirely worthwhile for me, even if the rest of the movie was kinda boring.

I find this whole antipathy towards a movie genre kinda weird. Like, I don't enjoy romantic comedies or horror movies very much, so you know what? I don't watch them. I don't get all up in arms every time a new one is announced, because it's not like they're ever going to stop making them. Like Westerns, or comedies,

What a strange thing to get all worked up about. To forgive a movie's obvious flaws because it has just plain charmed you is certainly not a new thing, nor is it exclusive to the Hobbit movies. I feel that way about the seemingly universally beloved Avengers — it's too long and bloated, and the climactic battle is

Yeah I was gonna say — I'm barely familiar with the guy, but if he likes to use the word AMAZEBALLS as much as this gimmick would have us believe, the hate's probably justified.

holy crap


Exactly. I mean, haven't we all encountered irate, rude fellow travelers at some point? Engaging them is the worst thing you can do; it just gets them more apoplectic and leads to greater overall discomfort experienced by everyone else, making you, in effect, an accomplice to their original shitty behavior.

I was at that show. And I'd say that's a pretty grandiose title for an act largely about family life and having young children.

If the AV Club is really  "soliciting opinions" from you, as it no doubt makes you happy to believe, that's a sorry defense for the neverending glut of pointless, lackwit, inane conversation and cliquey ass-grabbing with which you clutter up this otherwise fine comment space, presumably stemming from your absolute

Yea, because what could be worse than this site losing yet another gifted and informed voice? Replacing it with one of the jagoffs who clog up these comment boards day and night with asinine in-jokes and pretentious, unsolicited opinions on every fucking thing ever. Yeah, that would be so awesome!

It could be, COULD BE argued that, although charming, this sort of attitude will generate mostly bad-to-mediocre results.

Probably. He's got a lot of free time on his hands these days.

Fair enough. I understand that this crowd is, as a whole, more of a fan of TV than I am, so I'm just trying to suss out how to set my expectations when I read that kind of acclaim. Sometimes I agree with it (American Dad) but more often, I do not (Don't Trust the B, American Horror Story, many others).

Good lord, you're employed? Does your job only require 5 minutes of attention every hour or something?