Slough Hilton

Mitt Romney has binders full of Rabins.

I don't even OWN a Chicago!

Ya know, if I had a nickel for every time some show gets called "amazing" around here — the show that everybody must absolutely start watching right now because it's the best thing ever — well, I'd have quite the collection of nickels.

No, I'm pretty sure this is Seth Myers trying out some new material.

Those are both awesome!

A new Star Trek series on HBO would be so awesome. Not because of nudity or swearing, because Trek doesn't need that, but because of the awesome production values they'd have.

Splurrt Center?

Cripes, Gund Arena? In this case the soulless corporate name is actually an improvement.

Friday Buzzkills, now on Thursday!


Good lord, why???

Wrong. Lethal Weapon was ripping off To Live and Die in L.A. with that particular cliche, and I'm sure To Live and Die wasn't the first time it was done. It may not apply to this movie specifically but it definitely belongs in the "action movie cliche" ripoff pantheon.

Fallon hawking credit cards aimed at young people — even worse than Leno shilling Doritos? And you never caught Letterman doing that commercials. Pretty sure Conan never did, either.

No kidding! Can we finally get back to talking about Girls, already?

Can't really blame non-Americans for doing that, though. It's pretty startling how ubiquitous that show is overseas.

He's just so unctuous and eager to please, it's sort of off-putting. Not that Conan doesn't have that same quality but I guess it comes off differently.

Kentucky Fried's "Catholic High School Girls in Trouble" was the first time I saw nudity in the movies.

We appreciate that you're trying, Erik, but maybe leave the comedy to O'Neal. 
Or to put it another way, PLEASE NO COMEDY

Haha, one time I almost voted for a guy named George Bush. BUSH! Like a vagina! Can you imagine!

Aren't we past the stage where just being a Die Hard ripoff cuts it though. I mean that shit was fine in the 90s but these days I feel like I'm getting too old for that shit.