Ya know, call me a goofball, but I thought the Raimi Spider-mans (men?) where sort of a drag, and I think this looks fun. Spider-man telling jokes! Like he's supposed to!
Ya know, call me a goofball, but I thought the Raimi Spider-mans (men?) where sort of a drag, and I think this looks fun. Spider-man telling jokes! Like he's supposed to!
Because it's depressing and gives me nightmares?
For Worcester, that's middle aged …. yeah, I think Kirk pretty much nailed it
I can only think of one, which isn't a good ratio.
To be fair, most of the people here are undoubtedly Mac users. And therefore they are unable to right click. There may well be an Apple equivalent to right clicking, but … um, I got nothing. INSERT COMMUNITY QUOTE HERE
Oops, sorry about that. That's what I get for posting sober.
I actually watched Point Blank for the first time this weekend. Good lord, was it terrible. Just epically bad. Almost impossible to imagine Bigelow would go on to win an Oscar.
I too have a renewed respect and affection for Mr DeVito thanks to Always Sunny. I also rewatched Throw Momma From the Train recently and it held up much better than I expected it to.
He's on Conan like, once a week, and every time I think, aw shit, not this guy again, but I watch anyway, thinking that someday, sometime, he's GOTTA say something mildly amusing, but to date, nope, no dice
Yeah, well, not every state is the utopian promised land of free arthouse flicks and progressively inventoried public library systems that Texas is …
No, no … I'm the BLACK SHEEP Hilton. I disowned the rest of the family after I found out they were charging guests $20 a day to use Internet at their hotels. I mean, wi-fi is free at a Days Inn or a Travelodge, why on earth should a three- to four-star hotel try so hard to nickel and dime its customers? And the…
Well, I'm sure modern Russians can't figure out why Reagan is still so popular in the U.S., either. Tit for tat.
Personally, I was reared in a taco truck, but I'm starting to ask myself, what's it all about? I'm constantly reading books on taco trucks or the absence of taco trucks and atheism.
you say that like it's a bad thing
I'm guessing Game of Thrones-mania* has something to do with the grossly oversized wolves
That smacks of hydraulic despotism to me; just goes to show ya Diamond Dave's read his Dune
I think you're on to something, Aldo. Doesn't the duality, the symmetry, the yin and yang of butts reflect the same binary quality of life itself — male and female, good and evil, liberal and conservative, ranch and bleu cheese, hagar and roth? Is the butt then the ultimate symbol of life itself?
Well, the producers probably just don't want to piss off Victoria Jackson anymore
You want to gerrymander her political boundaries? Me too!