That's a direct quote from Leviticus, right?
That's a direct quote from Leviticus, right?
1 I
To me it sounds very much like newer era VH — it's got that clean tone electric from Finish What Ya Started that I can't remember Ed ever using in the original Roth days … or at least not before Diver Down
Actually had I really thought it through I would have written "PRIT …… tay"
That's uncomfortable … but is there really any doubt that his renaissance as a revengy Bronsonesque action star is a direct consequence of that tragedy?
that's a pretttttty liberal use of the phrase "high-quality"
He also co-wrote the lyrics to the theme song for It's Garry Shandling's Show, which is of course the greatest theme song in the history of TV, now and forever.
I always thought LOL meant Little Old Ladies
But after that everything will be AWESOME!!
That's a pretty good idea. The Ducks were always the best Disney characters anyway, not that stupid mouse
you are SO not really a black man
Not to be overly antagonistic, SoH, but …. what? Rachel Getting Married? I can't think of any other movie she's been in that isn't terrible. And the ones I mentioned are by far her most famous roles.
I might posit that to dislike an entertainer who utterly fails to entertain isn't a suggestion of a larger personality disorder, as you so reasonably imply, but is instead a perfectly understandishable human reaction.
Thanks man. I guess my comment was kinda dickish but I honestly didn't realize there were so many "Princess Diaries" and "Devil Wears Prada" fans around here
Sheesh Nick H, touched a nerve, did I?
I don't have a picture AND I'm a jerk. Looks like it's the Spell of Forlorn Encystment for me!
I'm surprised anyone even remembers Team America, considering how stoned I was when I saw it
Greenberg kind of pissed me off. If those guys in that band had any talent, they would have had more than just one shot at fame. And they wouldn't have quit so early. And spent the rest of their lives whining about it.
Here's a carrot. Happy fucking hannukah.